We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Changing the Number of Simultaneous Talkers

By default, only one user at a time can use the audio communication feature. To use the audio feature, click the [Talk] button, in the [Audio] area. When finished speaking, you must click the [Talk] button again to release control and allow another user to access the audio feature.

The Moderator/Instructor can change the number of users who can access the audio feature simultaneously. The maximum number of simultaneous talkers is six. Increasing the number of simultaneous talkers allows multiple speakers to talk over one another, which simulates traditional face-to-face interaction.

To change the number of simultaneous talkers:

1. Go to [Tools].

2. Select [Audio].

3. Select [Maximum Simultaneous Talkers].

4. Slide the bar to the preferred number and click [OK].