1. From the D2L Course Home page, click on [Quizzes] in the main navigation bar
2. Click on the title of the quiz in the Quiz List
3. Click on [Grade], which has a “yellow ruler + green checkmark” icon
4. Click on the [Restrict to] dropdown menu
5. Choose “All users”
6. In the list of students, you will see:
- “attempt 1” below the names of students who have completed the quiz.
- “attempt 1 (in progress)” for students who have opened the quiz, but who have not completed the submission process.
- “attempt 1 (late by xx:xx:xx)” for completed attempts that exceeded the time limit.
- "no “attempt 1” for students who have not yet opened the quiz
7. Click on [attempt 1] for the first student.
8. To grade fill-in-the-blank and essay (long answer or short answer) questions, type the points earned in the “Score” box for each question. NOTE: D2L automatically grades multiple choice, matching, and true/false questions.
9. Scroll to the top of the screen and click on [Recalculate] to update the student’s overall quiz grade
10. Click on [Save]
11. Click on [Go back to attempts / users]
12. Repeat steps 7-11 for each student’s quiz
13. Scroll to the top of the screen and click on [Update]
D2L 9.2.1 SP3 – October 2011