We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Giving a student special access to a quiz

What if I need to give student time and a half?
What if a student was sick and I need to give them a couple more days to take the quiz?

Follow these steps to give special access to quizzes for students when your quizzes are already set up:

  1. Go into each of the quizzes that you need to allow students special access.
  2. Click on the "Restrictions" tab. 
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the “Restrictions” tab until you see a heading that reads "Advanced Availability."
  4. Make sure that “Allow selected users special access to this quiz,” under the heading, is checked.
  5. Click on "Add Users to Special Access."
  6. On this screen, you should see a heading that reads “Special Access Properties.” Under this heading, you can adjust start dates, end dates, and time limits for the student.
  7. When you scroll down, you will see a heading that reads “Users.” Under this tab, you can select the students that this change will apply to by checking the box next to their names.
  8. Click the “Add Special Access” button on the bottom right of the screen to save the changes.
  9. TO EDIT: You can always edit access for students that are visible under “add users to special access” button by clicking on the little pencil icon by their names.
D2L 9.2.1 SP3 – October 2011