We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Emailing Groups in D2L

1. Log into D2L and click on the course title

2. Click on [Classlist]

3. Click on the [Students] tab

4. At the "View by" prompt, click the dropdown menu and select [Groups]

5. To the right of "View by: Groups", click the dropdown menu and select one of your sections or groups

6. Click on [Apply]

7. Above the list of names, on the right, click on the dropdown menu to select "200 per page" (or the largest number possible)

8. Above the list of names, on the left, click in the small box to select all the names in the list

9. Above the list of names, click the small envelope icon to email the students in this section or group

Don't forget to copy yourself on your email, since D2L doesn't have a "sent" folder.