Method for Specifying Quiz Question Weights has changed
As of January, 2010, the method of specifying quiz question weights for several questions was changed. Instead of a dropdown box with some percentage choices (0,20,25,33.33,40,50,60,66.67,75,80,100), weights are specified in a text box on a scale of 0 (no credit) to 100 (full credit).
This offers more flexibility, but has been a source of confusion for some instructors. The quizzing interface does not make it clear that weights are percentages ranging from 0 to 100 with up to 2 decimal places allowed. All instructors see is "Weight" and a blank box.
On behalf of the UW campuses using D2L, our hosting Utility has submited the following feature request:
1. Provide a heading of "Weight (%)," or to put a "%" sign after each weight box.
2. If possible, bring the drop down back with an "other" option that opens a blank text box where the user can enter a custom percent.
Source: [Learn@UW Utility] Service Announcements (02/12/2010)
Note: D2L Version 8.4.2