We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Method for Specifying Quiz Question Weights has changed

Method for Specifying Quiz Question Weights has changed

As of January, 2010, the method of specifying quiz question weights for several questions was changed. Instead of a dropdown box with some percentage choices (0,20,25,33.33,40,50,60,66.67,75,80,100), weights are specified in a text box on a scale of 0 (no credit) to 100 (full credit).

This offers more flexibility, but has been a source of confusion for some instructors. The quizzing interface does not make it clear that weights are percentages ranging from 0 to 100 with up to 2 decimal places allowed. All instructors see is "Weight" and a blank box.

On behalf of the UW campuses using D2L, our hosting Utility has submited the following feature request:
1. Provide a heading of "Weight (%)," or to put a "%" sign after each weight box.
2. If possible, bring the drop down back with an "other" option that opens a blank text box where the user can enter a custom percent.

Source: [Learn@UW Utility] Service Announcements (02/12/2010)

Note: D2L Version 8.4.2