We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


How to email students from different sections enrolled in ONE D2L cours site

How do I email students from different sections of ONE D2L course site.

Scenario: I want to be able to email students from individual lab sections. Thus, I would not want to email everyone on the lab, but rather just students in a particular lab section.

Click Email from the navigation bar
Click the Address Bookicon from the Message List page

You can filter and view your Address Book contacts in the same way as messages in the Message List. For example, the Filter by feature allows you to quickly sort and view your contacts by specific group or section enrollment.

Click the down arrow to the Filter by drop-down menu and select the section that students are enrolled.
Click the To, Cc, Bcc links to add the address (students emails) for your message in the To, Cc, Bcc fields, as applicable.
Click the Add Recipients button.
Enter a subject line, if desired.
Type your message in the message area.
Browse and add any attachments, if applicable.
Click the Spell Check icon.
Click Send.