We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Rearranging Content in D2L

Option A: To change the order of modules and/or topics
  • Click on [Content] in the main navigation bar
  • Click on [Re‐Order]

To re‐order modules
  1. Click the drop‐down menu under “Sort Order”
  2. Choose the desired position number
  3. Click [Save]

To re‐order topics within a module
  1. Click the + plus sign to the left of the module name to reveal topics
  2. Choose the desired position number under “Sort Order”
  3. Click [Save]

Option B. To move items from one module to another, or to “nest” one module within another
  1. Click on [Content] in the main navigation bar
  2. Choose the items to be moved
  3. Click the third icon above the gray bar at the top of the list of modules and topics. (The icon looks like three blue squares with a green up‐arrow. When you mouse over the icon, it says “Move selected items – opens in new window.”)
  4. In the popup window that appears, use the dropdown menu to select the desired New Parent Module, or click [add module] to create a new one.
  5. Click [Move] 

D2L 9.2.1 SP3 – September 2011