We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Submit Quiz Attempt in Progress

If, for any reason, a student does not complete the quiz submission process, the Grade Quiz area will show an "attempt in progress" for that student.

Here's how the instructor can submit the quiz attempt on behalf of the student:

1.  From the Course Home page, click on [Quizzes] in the navigation bar.

2.  From the Quiz List, click the [Grade Quiz] icon (which looks like a yellow ruler with a green checkmark).

3.  In the dropdown menu beside "Restrict to:" choose [Users with attempts in progress].

4.  Click [Search].

5.  Find the appropriate student in the list.  Click the [Enter Quiz as User] icon (which looks like two people with a tiny green arrow between them).

6.  Click [Go To Submit Quiz] button.

7.  Click [Submit Quiz] button.

8.  Confirm quiz submission by clicking [Yes] button.

9.  In the dropdown menu beside "Restrict to:" choose [All users].

10.  Click [Search].