Create a grade category and items in a D2L “weighted” gradebook
Create a Category
1. From your D2L Course Home page, click on [Grades] in the main navigation bar
2. Click on [Manage Grades] under “Grades Area”
3. Click on [New Category]
4. Type a name for the category (e.g., Quizzes, Short Papers, Homework)
5. Under “Grading,” enter the percentage that this category will count toward the Final Grade in the “Weight” text box
6. Under “Display Options,” uncheck “Display class average to users” and “Display grade distribution to users”
7. OPTIONAL: If all grade items will be weighed equally within the category, check “Distribute weight evenly across all items”
8. Click [Save]
Create an Item
1. From your D2L Course Home page, click on [Grades] in the main navigation bar
2. Click on [Manage Grades] under “Grades Area”
3. Click on [New Item]
4. Click on [Numeric]
5. Type a name for the grade item (e.g., Quiz 1)
6. OPTIONAL: Type a “short name” only the instructor will see in the gradebook view (e.g., Q1)
7. Click in the box or on the down arrow next to “Category”
8. OPTIONAL: if no categories exist, click [New Category] and create one
9. Select a category for the new grade item
10. Under “Grading,” assign maximum points based on your scoring rubric for the assessment
11. Assign the weight this item will count toward the total category grade
12. OPTIONAL: If the assessment is for extra credit, check “Bonus”
13. Click on [Save] to finish, or click on [Save and New] to create another grade item.
Create a Category
1. From your D2L Course Home page, click on [Grades] in the main navigation bar
2. Click on [Manage Grades] under “Grades Area”
3. Click on [New Category]
4. Type a name for the category (e.g., Quizzes, Short Papers, Homework)
5. Under “Grading,” enter the percentage that this category will count toward the Final Grade in the “Weight” text box
6. Under “Display Options,” uncheck “Display class average to users” and “Display grade distribution to users”
7. OPTIONAL: If all grade items will be weighed equally within the category, check “Distribute weight evenly across all items”
8. Click [Save]
Create an Item
1. From your D2L Course Home page, click on [Grades] in the main navigation bar
2. Click on [Manage Grades] under “Grades Area”
3. Click on [New Item]
4. Click on [Numeric]
5. Type a name for the grade item (e.g., Quiz 1)
6. OPTIONAL: Type a “short name” only the instructor will see in the gradebook view (e.g., Q1)
7. Click in the box or on the down arrow next to “Category”
8. OPTIONAL: if no categories exist, click [New Category] and create one
9. Select a category for the new grade item
10. Under “Grading,” assign maximum points based on your scoring rubric for the assessment
11. Assign the weight this item will count toward the total category grade
12. OPTIONAL: If the assessment is for extra credit, check “Bonus”
13. Click on [Save] to finish, or click on [Save and New] to create another grade item.
D2L 9.2.1 SP3 – September 2011