We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Bulk upload, Zip files

Uploading zip file


Adding "bulk" topics

See - Creating a Topic: Add Topics in Bulk

Use this option to create a group of topics from previously uploaded files.

Unless the module already exists, create the module these topics will appear under

From the Course Home page, click CONTENT

Under Administration, click MANAGE CONTENT
The Content Manager pane appears.

For the module you want to add content to, click BULK ADD TOPIC
The Bulk Create Topic dialog box appears.

From the Parent Module pull-down list, verify that the correct module is selected

From the Files from which to create topics list, select the files you want to use

OPTIONAL: In the Title text box for each file, type the new name for the topic

When finished, click CREATE

Verify your links by clicking them within the Content area