We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Create a grade category and items in a D2L “points” gradebook

Create a Category:

  1. From your D2L Course Home page, click on [Grades] in the main navigation bar
  2. Click on [Manage Grades] under “Grades Area”
  3. Click on [New Category]
  4. Type a name for the category (e.g., Quizzes, Short Papers, Homework)
  5. Under “Display Options,” uncheck “Display class average to users” and “Display grade distribution to users”
    • OPTIONAL: If all grade items in the category have the same number of points, check “Distribute points across all items” and enter the points per item
  6. Click [Save]

Create an Item:

  1. From your D2L Course Home page, click on [Grades] in the main navigation bar
  2. Click on [Manage Grades] under “Grades Area”
  3. Click on [New Item]
  4. Click on [Numeric]
  5. Type a name for the grade item (e.g., Quiz 1)
    • OPTIONAL: Type a “short name” only the instructor will see in the gradebook view (e.g., Q1)2
  6. Click in the box or on the down arrow next to “Category”
    • OPTIONAL: if no categories exist, click [New Category]
  7. Select a category for the new grade item 
  8. Under “Grading,” assign maximum points based on your scoring rubric for the assessment
    • OPTIONAL: If the assessment is for extra credit, check “Bonus”
    • OPTIONAL:  Check “Exclude from Final Grade Calculation” if the assessment is e.g., a practice quiz, that should not be counted toward the Final Grade
  9. Click on [Save] to finish, or click on [Save and New] to create another grade item.

D2L 9.2.1 SP3 – October 2011