We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Creating a Dropbox in D2L

1. From your Course Home page, click on [Dropbox] on the main navigation bar.
2. Click on [New Folder].
3. Type a name for the folder in the [Name] text box.
4. Choose “Individual submission folder” if students will submit files only to the
instructor.  Choose “Group submission folder” if students need to see each other’s
submissions for group work. (This selection cannot be changed later.)

OPTIONAL: Link the Dropbox to the D2L Grades area, if desired, by choosing a grade
item from the dropdown menu, or create a new one.
OPTIONAL: Enter the total number of points a student can earn for the assignment
in the [Out Of] text box
OPTIONAL: Enter submission guidelines or other information in the [Custom
Instructions] text box, if desired.

5. Click on [Save]

• To set date and time restrictions for student submissions, click the [Restrictions] tab
• For a “student view” of the folder, click on [Folder List], then [Preview]

D2L 9.2.1 SP3 – October 2011