We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Google Chrome Plug-In for ePortfolio

A Chrome brower plug-in (built with web services) allows users to easily create ePortfolio artifacts directly from the browser interface.
Download (from the Chrome web store) and install the ePortfolio plug-in.

When installing the plug-in you will be prompted for the URL of the Desire2Learn platform (for UW-Millwaukee: http://d2l.uwm.edu)

To use the plug-in, you need to be logged into your Desire2Learn system prior to creating artifacts with the plug-in.

Once installed in Chrome, you can do one of two things to create ePortfolio Artifacts:

1. Right-click on images, links or text (generates .txt artifact).

2. Click the ePortfolio extension icon (as seen above) when at the appropriate web page (creating a Quicklink artifact)

Go to your ePortfolio in D2L and you should now see the artifact in the "My Items" area.