We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


News - General Overview

Previously referred to as the Announcements page, the News tool is located on the Course Home page. It is now possible to read instructor messages, course information, and other news updates by using the News widget.  It is also possible to dismiss a news item and restore a dismissed news items.    

News items appear in the News widget, but you can also receive instant notifications about postings through email, SMS, and RSS feeds. See Notifications to learn about creating instant notifications for news items.
The News tool enables you to create news items that help communicate course updates, changes, and new information to your users quickly and effectively. Since My Home or Course Home is the first page that users often see when they log in or access their courses, the News widget is a good area for displaying important information.