We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Notifications - General Overview

The Notifications feature of D2L give you the option to receive notifications about activity in your courses. To subscribe to notification sources, specify the time for daily course summaries, and identify courses you do not want to receive notifications for, click on the Notifications icon (looks like a gear).

Clicking on the notifications icon will take you to the Notifications "control" page.

Contact Methods

A user's UWM email address is the default. You can change the email settings to a different system email or a custom email address. 

You can also register a mobile number to receive text-message notifications via your mobile device. Once you register your mobile device, you will be able to select the maximum number of messages received per day. The options range from 5 to "no limit." 

NOTE: The user is responsible for all charges resulting from receipt of text messages from the D2L system.  Check with your cell phone service provider to understand your cell phone text messaging plan.

Summary of Activity

There are two options – never or daily. A time for this summary must be specified when “daily” is selected.

Instant Notifications

Discussions: You can choose to receive an email from the D2L system that notifies you of unread discussion messages, however discussion messages cannot be sent directly to a mobile device.

Dropbox and News (update and new) have email and mobile options. Messages regarding changes to these areas are sent as they occur. They will also come through as part of the daily Summary of Activity. These messages will appear to be from the helpdesk (News) or the UWM Help Desk (Dropbox).

Exclude Some Courses

You can select courses and groups to exclude from your Summary of Activity and/or Instant Notifications.