We've MOVED!
The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.
Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org
Problem with News Items Copied from Previous Course
Problem: After copying components from a previous semester, news items are listed as "expired" and attempts to change and publish the item result in script errors.
(1) To get the copied news items to publish, you will need to change both the start and end dates to the current semester. Even if you don't want to keep the end date selected, you will need to do this because keeping an out-of-date end date unused can contribute to receiving script errors.
(2) If you don't need an end date for the news item, it might be best to pick an end date around the end of the semester.
(3) Next You will also need to check the box that says "major update" before saving in order for it to "publish" (i.e. show up under your news). At this point, the item should show up in your News section as "published" rather than "expired."
Copy Components,
script error