We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Subscribe to News (Email, SMS, RSS)

There are three ways to receive notifications about changes to course news:

  1. Email (a system defined email address or another email address)

  2. SMS (text message)

  3. RSS (news feed)

By selecting one or more of these news options, you will be notified whenever a news item is available, or when an instructor makes a major update to a news item.

Email notifications can go to any email address you choose. These messages include the headline, full body of the new item, links to access the News tool for the course, and any attachments.

SMS notifications enable you to receive news items on your mobile device. These notifications include a course identifier, and as much of the headline and news body text as allowed in a short message.

If you would like to aggregate your news from all your current courses or from individual ones, you can subscribe to an RSS feed for News.

Once you click on the RSS feed icon, you will be able to subscribe via the news aggregator of your choice.

RSS works best with Firefox and Safari. Chrome has issues with the RSS feature. If you use Chrome, you can get a plug-in as a workaround. However, the plug-in lacks functionality.