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Online Rooms - Understanding Permissions

Understanding Permissions

Your access to Blackboard Collaborate Web Conferencing features is managed by permissions. Moderators can change your permissions, either by changing the global permissions (those that apply to all Participants) or by changing your permissions only.

Permission Indicators in the Participants List

Only those individual permissions (granted or revoked) that represent exceptions to the global permissions are displayed in the Participants list. When a Moderator removes your permission to use a globally permitted feature, the icon representing that feature is stamped with a red X and appears next to your name in the Participants list.

In the example below, the global permissions are set to the default (permission to use Audio, Video, Chat and Whiteboard but not Application Sharing, Web Tour and Closed-Captioning) and the exceptions to these are indicated by the icons in the Participants list.

Illlustration of Permission exceptions. Charlie has a red X over his Video Permissions icon, indicating that Permission has been revoked for him, but that video is enabled for all other Participants. However, he has the gray Closed Captioning icon indicating he can view closed captions. Ricky has a red X over his microphone, which prevents him from transmitting audio and indicates that all other Participants can transmit audio by default. Lucy and Ricky have been granted Whiteboard and Web Tour permissions, respectively, which is why those icons appear next to their names. Other Participants cannot edit the Whiteboard or lead Web Tours.

  • The Moderator has granted Charlie the Closed-Captioning permission and revoked his permission to transmit video Video Permission Off indicator.
  • Lucy has been granted the Application Sharing permission.
  • Ricky has been granted the Web Tour permission and his Audio permission has been revoked: Audio Permission Off indicator.

The table below shows the icons associated with each permission and describes what the permissions entail.


Audio Permission icon

The Audio permission allows Participants to talk in the session. If the permission is not granted, they can still listen to others.

Video Permission icon

The Video permission allows Participants to transmit video in the session. If the permission is not granted, they can still preview their own video and view the video transmissions of others.

Chat Permission icon

The Chat permission allows Participants to enter chat messages in the session. If the permission is not granted, they can still send private chat messages to Moderators and read the Chat messages of others.

Whiteboard Permission icon

The Whiteboard permission allows Participants to use the drawing tools in the Whiteboard. It doesn't allow them to load content (e.g., presentations) into the Whiteboard nor navigate between pages, both of which require Moderator privileges. If the permission is not granted, Participants can still view the Whiteboard content entered by Moderators.

Application Sharing Permission icon

The Application Sharing permission allows Participants to host an Application Sharing session. It also enables them to request remote control of anyone's Application Sharing session or the desktop of Moderators or other Participants who also have the Application Sharing permission; in both cases, the request can be denied by the host. It does not allow Participants to switch to Application Sharing mode, which is necessary before application sharing can take place – only Moderators can switch modes. If the Application Sharing permission is not granted, Participants can still view others' shared applications or desktops.

Web Tour Permission icon

The Web Tour permission allows Participants to host Web Tours and Web Pushes. It does not allow Participants to switch to Web Tour Mode, which is necessary before a Web Tour can take place – only Moderators can switch modes. If the Web Tour permission is not granted, Participants can still view others' Web Tours.

Closed Captioning Permission icon

The Closed-Captioning permission allows Participants to enter text into the Closed-Captioning window. If this permission is not granted, Participants can still read the Closed-Captioning text of others. (Note: this permission can be set only from the Participant option menu – i.e, it cannot be set globally for all Participants.)