We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


User Progress and Grades - Withdrawals

Students may withdraw from a class, which will result in an automatic unenrollment from the D2L Classlist, unless the enrollment was processed manually (which is a separate problem).  Often, instructors are asked to report grade or progress information for students who have withdrawn. 

To see "User Progress" and "Grades" in D2L for a student who withdrew or dropped the course:

1.  From the D2L Course Home page, click [Classlist]
2.  Click [Report]
3.  Scroll down past the statistics to the list of "Withdrawals"
4.  Find the student's name
5.  Click the [Grades] icon (yellow ruler with green checkmark) -or- the [User Progess] icon (circle of dots)

Important notes about User Progress:
  • The D2L course site must be Active. If it's not active, the inquiry yields "No tools enabled for this course." Screen shot: http://screencast.com/t/TnISmL9e (This can be a problem because inquiries often come after the semester is over, when a student is trying to get a refund, or financial aid is involved.)
  • From the above screen, selecting a different course will *also* spontaneously change WHICH student's User Progress is being reported, if the original student isn't enrolled in the course that was chosen! Video demonstration: http://screencast.com/t/D3iCwnurN (This can be a problem because it would be very easy for the instructor not to notice the switch to a different student, and could report inaccurate data as a result.) 
  • If a student withdrew (or was administratively dropped) from ALL D2L courses, no User Progress data is available for the student at all. Video demo: http://screencast.com/t/FltTlavPip  

The work-around for all these issues is for the instructor to
  1. re-enroll the student from the Classlist, and/or make the course site active ... 
  2. gather the needed information ... and then 
  3. unenroll the student from the course site (again, from the Classlist) and/or make the course site Inactive again.

To enroll someone from the Classlist:

To unenroll someone from the Classlist:

To make a D2L course site Active:

To make a D2L course site Inactive:

D2L 9.2.1 SP3 – September 2011