1. From the D2L Course Home page, click on [Quizzes] in the main navigation bar
2. Click on the title of the quiz in the “Quiz List”
3. Click on the [Layout/Questions] tab
4. Click on [Add/Edit Questions]
5. Choose “Fill in the Blanks Question (FIB)” from the [Create new] dropdown menu
6. Click on [Go]
- OPTIONAL: Enter a “Title” and change the number of “Points” for this question
- OPTIONAL: Click on [Add a file] to upload an image that will display along with the question text
7. Note that, by default, the question has one text area, followed by one blank, and a
second text area.
- OPTIONAL: Under the heading “Question Text,” note the options to [Add Blank] or [Add Text]. Click to add a blank or a text box to the end of the question sequence displayed. Change the “1” to a higher number, to add several blanks or several text boxes. These additional blanks and text boxes will always appear at the end of the question sequence. Any blank or text box, including the original defaults, can be deleted but cannot be repositioned.
8. Click in the first [Text] area to type the portion of your question that precedes the
first fill‐in‐the‐blank. OPTIONAL: If your question begins with a blank, delete the first
text area by clicking the [trash can] icon.
9. Under [Blank #1], by default there is space for one answer. Click on [Add Answer]
to increase the number of blanks. Create one space for each correct or partially‐
correct answer students may receive credit for.2
10. Click on each editable box under the column heading “Weight” to award each
answer a percentage of this question’s total points. For example, you may choose a
weight of 100% for correct answers and give partial credit for partially‐correct
answers. You may have more than one completely‐correct answer.
11. By default, the answers are “case insensitive.” We recommend retaining the
12. Type text or punctuation in the second [Text] box, or click the [trash can] icon to
delete it.
13. Click [Save]. The list of all questions for this quiz will be displayed.
- OPTIONAL: Click on the [View] icon to see how the question will appear to the students, and how it will be graded.
- OPTIONAL: After completing a question, click on [Save and New] to save the current question and immediately begin creation of a new question without first returning to the question list.
- OPTIONAL: Alternatively, click on [Save and Copy] to save the current question and create an editable copy. This is particularly useful when creating a series of questions that are very similar.
D2L 9.2.1 SP3 – October 2011