We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


"Student View"


How can I see what the students see in D2L?

When I use the Role Switch or "preview" function in the Dropbox and Quizzes, I don't see the submissions when I switch back to my role as an Instructor!


Although the Role Switch and the "preview" links in various tools are both designed to show an instructor what an "average" student SEES ... it doesn't fully mimic what a student DOES.

Neither Role Switch nor "preview" is actually associated with a real USER in the D2L database -- so operations you perform in these "student view" roles do not have the same effect as when a real student performs them.

In other words, since there's no real user attached to the Role Switch or preview, there is no place for the instructor to *see* a quiz attempt or a file submitted to a Dropbox.

(The Role Switch student will also not see restricted Discussions!)

A special note about Grades:

Using the Role Switch, the instructor will be unable to see anything in Grades, since there is neither grade data nor an actual user associated with this view.

To see a *particular* student's view of their own Grades, click on the name of the student in the Enter Grades area, then click on Preview.

D2L 9.2.1 SP3 – September 2011