We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


D2L Course List View

"Instructor" view in the
My UW-Milwaukee Courses area

Instructors may find they are enrolled in more course sites than they actually plan to use during a particular semester. Unfortunately, the "unwanted" course sites cannot be deleted.

However, the Instructor may "clean up" their own My UW-Milwaukee Courses view by changing their own role.

We recommend choosing the role "zSite Manager" -- this will move the unwanted course to the "zSite Manager" role tab on the My UW-Milwaukee Courses widget, but will retain the permissions necessary to change their own enrollment BACK to "Instructor," should circumstances change.

Here's how to do it:

- In the My UW-Milwaukee Courses area, click on the title of the course site you wish to remove from your "Instructor" role tab

- Click on [Classlist]

- Check the box next to your own name

- Click the blue "change enrollment" icon at the bottom of the screen.

- On the next screen, select the role "zSite Manager" from the dropdown menu

- Click save

NOTE: In the My UW-Milwaukee Courses area, click on the "zSite Manager" role tab to see the courses listed there.