- In a separate browser window or tab, navigate to the web page that you wish to link to, from your D2L course site.
- Highlight the entire web address (URL) and select [Copy] from the browser’s [Edit] menu.
- Go to your D2L course site. From the Course Home page, click on [Content] in the main navigation bar.
- Click on [New Topic].
- Click on [QuickLink].
- Pull down the menu for [Parent Module] and select the module in which you would like to put your link ‐or‐ select [add module] to create a new module for your link.
- In the [Title:] box, type the name of the link. This title will be the hotlink that the students will click on to go to the webpage.
- In the [URL:] text box, paste the web address you copied in Step 1 by selecting [Paste] from the browser’s [Edit] menu.
- Click the box in front of [Preview/view the content topic in a new window or tab].
- Click on [Save].
D2L 9.2.1 SP3 – September 2011