We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Upload files to D2L Content page

Add a syllabus or other file to your D2L site

  1. On your Course Home page, click the [Content] link in the main navigation bar.
  2. In the Manage Content area, click [New Module]. A “module” will act as a heading on your Content page.
  3. Fill in the title and hit the [Save] button.
  4. Again, click on [Content] on the main navigation bar. You will see a module, but we still need to add a “topic,” which will be the clickable link your students use to navigate to your file.
  5. To create a topic, click on the first icon to the right of your module title. If you mouse over the icon, it says “Add topic to Course Information.”
  6. To “Create a new topic using a file from your computer,” click on [Upload New File].
  7. Type a title, which your students will see as a clickable link on your Content page.
  8. Click on the [Browse] button to find the file on your local computer workstation. A popup window will appear.
  9. Find your file in the popup window. Click on the filename, then click on [Open]. The popup window will disappear.
  10. Notice the pathname next to your “Browse” button. This means D2L has identified the file to be uploaded. Click on [Save] to upload the file. You will get a confirmation that the file was uploaded and saved.
  11. Click on [View Content] to see the Content page from a student’s point of view. Notice the link which allows students to download and open your file for viewing or printing.

D2L 9.2.1 SP3 – September 2011