We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Download Course Files

1.  Go to the D2L course site

2.  Click [Content] on the your course Navigation bar.

3.  On the left, in the "Content Area" menu, select [Manage Files].

4.  A list of files included in your course will appear. To the left is a list of folders.

5.  At the top of the list of files, check the box to the left of "Folder/File." This will select all files. Each folder and file will become checked, and their background will become blue.

6.  At the top of the page, on the upper right corner, select the [Zip Files] icon, which looks like a carpenter's vise.

7.  Although there will be no indicator on the D2L page that the "zip" command is being executed, all selected files will be compressed and compiled into a Zip archive. Look at the bottom of your browser window for a progress bar.

8.  When the "zip" process is complete, a pop-up window will prompt the user to [save] or [open] the .zip archive file.

9.  [Save] your file to a secure location on your computer, or to a network drive where the information is regularly backed up.