We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Exporting D2L Gradebook

When downloading or saving grade books or student submissions, it is imperative to maintain the privacy of student records, which should be saved on campus-housed, password-protected network storage rather than on local hard drives or portable storage devices.

Questions about how long grade books and student records may be retained should be discussed with the UWM Records Officer.

All information from a D2L Gradebook, including the original point values, grade scheme symbols and 'out of' grades can be exported to a .CSV file which can be opened in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice and many other spreadsheet applications.

  1. In your D2L course site, click the [Grades] link in the navigation bar.
  2. At the top of the "User List" page, click the [Export Grades] icon, which looks like a curved green arrow pointing to the right.
  3. The "Export Grades" page will appear.
  4. By default, the "Export Grade Items For" field is set to "All users." Leave it as set.
  5. To export all available information, in the "Key Field" heading, select the [Both] radio button.
  6. Select the "Grade Values" to be exported. Suggested are "Points Grade" and "Grade Scheme."
  7. Select the "User Details" you wish to export.
  8. Select the "Grade Items" you wish to export. (To select individual items, select the checkboxes to the left of each grade item. The background of the item will turn green. To select all items, select the checkbox to the left, above the "Grade Item" heading. Be sure to also choose the "Final Grade" to be exported.)
  9. Click [Export to CSV] at the bottom of the page to initiate the export process.
  10. A window will open, containing a link that will allow you to save the .CSV file to your computer. Click the link to download the file.
Notes on the export process:
  • "Text" grade items cannot be exported.
  • "Selectbox" grade items will not export the "label." Instead, only the lowest percentage in the scheme range is exported.
D2L 9.2.1 SP3 – October 2011