We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Exporting quiz reports

Instructors must set up quiz reports using the Reports Setup tab for the appropriate quiz before they can view or export reports. Refer to Setting up quiz reports for details.

1.     From the D2L Course Home page, click [Quizzes]
2.     Click the name of the appropriate quiz
3.     Click the [Reports] icon (bar graph and line graph on paper)
4.     Click the name of the report to be exported. The Generate Reports page appears.
5.     Optional: Select the “From” box and choose the applicable date from the drop-down lists to include quizzes submitted on or after a certain date.
6.     Optional: Select the “To” box and choose the applicable date from the drop-down lists to include quizzes submitted on or before a certain date.
7.     Click [Generate HTML Report] to view the report in your browser, or [Generate CSV Report] to save the report as a CSV file on your computer.

What data is exported?
Description of exported data by report type
Report Type
What is included
Question Statistics
The average score on questions by points and percentage.

Unlike a report created using the Questions Stats tab on the Quiz Stats page, you can choose to exclude the class average, score distribution, bonus questions, or the Out Of value.

Question Details
All of the answers provided for each quiz attempt, how many users chose each possible answer, the total number of responses, and the average score on each question.

Unlike a report created using the Question Details tab on the Quiz Stats page, you can choose to exclude the level of difficulty, text responses, or bonus questions. You can also choose to include private comments added to the report.