We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Setting up quiz reports

Quiz Reports allow an instructor to gather information on how users have performed on a quiz. Reports allow the collection of more types of information than is available through the Quiz Statistics tool. Reports are also printable.

1.     From the D2L Course Home page, click on [Quizzes]
2.     Click on the title of the appropriate quiz
3.     Click on the [Reports Setup] tab
4.     Click [Add Report] to create a new report, or click on the name of an existing report to edit it.
5.     Give your report an identifiable Report Name.
6.     Select the type of report to be generated by selecting one of the options under Report Type:

       Question Statistics - An *overall* report that can show the class average, score distribution, and the percentage of correct responses for each question.

       Question Details - A more segmented report that can show a breakdown of all the responses received for each question and the average grade received on each question.

       User Statistics - These can be used to provide class average and score distribution information to help you see how students in a class performed as a whole.

       Attempt Details - This report allows the instructor to view each user’s actual quiz.

       User Attempts - This reports user’s attempts.

7.     In the Release area, select “immediately” to release the report now, or select the radio button next to the date drop-down lists and choose the appropriate date and time to release the report later.
8.     In the Release Report To area, check the boxes beside the D2L user roles the report will be visible to.
9.     Click [Save Report].

The report details are displayed in the [Reports Setup] tab.

D2L 9.2.1 SP3 – October 2011