Since there has been very little use of the User Homepages tool in D2L, the vendor has slated it to be eliminated in a future version of the software.
Since users can provide a link to an external "homepage" through their Profile, instructors may prefer to eliminate their D2L-based "user homepage" altogether.
Here's how:
1. Add the "User Homepages" link to your course navigation bar by following these instructions:
2. After adding the "User Homepages" link to your course navigation bar, click the link to access the tool. Click the trash can to delete your current user homepage, and SAVE.
3. Remove the "User Homepages" link from your course navbar, to prevent students and others from using it and running into problems in the future.
We've MOVED!
The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.
Updated help files are located at