We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Discussion Assessment

When you add a new topic to the Discussions, three tabs will appear on the screen - Properties, Restrictions, and Assessment. The Assessment tab will allow you to provide a score and feedback to students without leaving the discussion.

If you have already set up the discussion topic:
  1. Click on the pencil to the right of that topic to view the Properties, Restrictions, and Assessment tabs.
  2. Select the Assessment tab.
  3. On the Assessment screen, choose a grade item (if one exists) and note the points value (called "Score Out of").
  4. Click Save.
After you save this topic, you should see an Assess icon for each discussion post. Clicking on this icon will allow you to enter the score and provide feedback.