After you have added the Attendance link to the navigation bar, you will need to create a new register for tracking attendance:
- Click on [Attendance] in the navigation bar.
- Click [Add new register].
- Type in the name of the register in the "Name" field, something like "Attendance."
- Keep the default Attendance Scheme ("System Scheme") unless you have developed your own scheme.
- If you don't want students to be able to see the register, uncheck the box next to "Visibility."
- Under Sessions, fill in each blank under "Session Name" with the name you'd assign to an individual class period, such as "Sept. 1" or "9-1" or "Week 1 Monday." Each session name should be unique.
- Click on the plus sign if you need to add more sessions.
- Click [Save]. Your register will now be listed under "Attendance Registers."
To track attendance in a register:
- Click on [Attendance] in the navigation bar.
- Click on the Register Name from the list (e.g. "Attendance").
- You should see a list of student names in a column on the left and a row of sessions on the right. Next to each session name (e.g. "Sept. 1"), you will see a small icon of a logbook with a pencil. Click the icon next to the session name you want to edit.
- For each student, choose either "P" or "A" from the dropdown menu under "Attendance Status" to identify whether the student was present or absent. Alternatively, you could click on [Set Status for All] just beneath the register title to assign the same value to all students.
- When you have finished with every student, click [Save].