We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Using the Attendance Tool

In order to see the attendance tool in D2L, you will need to add it to your course navigation bar. Here's how:


After you have added the Attendance link to the navigation bar, you will need to create a new register for tracking attendance:

  1. Click on [Attendance] in the navigation bar.
  2. Click [Add new register].
  3. Type in the name of the register in the "Name" field, something like "Attendance."
  4. Keep the default Attendance Scheme ("System Scheme") unless you have developed your own scheme.
  5. If you don't want students to be able to see the register, uncheck the box next to "Visibility." 
  6. Under Sessions, fill in each blank under "Session Name" with the name you'd assign to an individual class period, such as "Sept. 1" or "9-1" or "Week 1 Monday." Each session name should be unique.
  7. Click on the plus sign if you need to add more sessions.
  8. Click [Save]. Your register will now be listed under "Attendance Registers."

To track attendance in a register:

  1. Click on [Attendance] in the navigation bar.
  2. Click on the Register Name from the list (e.g. "Attendance").
  3. You should see a list of student names in a column on the left and a row of sessions on the right. Next to each session name (e.g. "Sept. 1"), you will see a small icon of a logbook with a pencil. Click the icon next to the session name you want to edit.
  4. For each student, choose either "P" or "A" from the dropdown menu under "Attendance Status" to identify whether the student was present or absent. Alternatively, you could click on [Set Status for All] just beneath the register title to assign the same value to all students.
  5. When you have finished with every student, click [Save].