We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Adding Artifacts to the ePortfolio

To add an Artifact to your ePortfolio, click "Artifacts' in the left-hand column and then click on "Add Artifact"
You will have several options:
1. Click "Upload a file" to upload a file from your desktop or flash drive
2. Click "Create a file" to make a file directly inside the ePortfolio in a basic text editor (similar to creating a Word document)
3. Click "Create a Link" to make a link to a web site
4. Click "Import Results from a Course" to bring in a snapshot of quiz results, grades, or dropbox feeback from a course

D2L 9.2.1 SP6 – November 2011