We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Tips for Accessing Online Rooms

Please visit http://support.blackboardcollaborate.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=8336&task=knowledge&questionID=1473 to check if you have the necessary software plug-ins and updates to access Online Rooms/Elluminate.

You may need to download and install an update for “Java” in order to get into the Elluminate room. If this is the case, you will need to be on a computer where they have permission to download software. In other words, you will need “administrator access.” Many companies do not allow employees to download software, so if you plan to access Online Rooms while you are at work, please visit the website above to ensure that you have the necessary permission to download and install Online Rooms/Elluminate software plug-ins and updates.

In addition, you will need high-speed internet access when using Online Rooms. You may also need to be hardwired in order to use OnlineRooms; this means that you must connect you computer to the internet using a cable).

If you do not have high speed internet access, you may use the UWM Campus computer Labs: https://www3.uwm.edu/imt/services/campus/ccls/index.cfm or a public library: http://www.yellowpages.com/no-location?search_terms=Libraries. If you use a public computer, you will need to bring headphones or a microphone headset to listen to the audio or to broadcast your voice. (Be considerate and respectful of others when speaking and listening.)