Online Rooms is the name of the web-based collaboration tool available in D2L. Online Rooms offers several features which will allows instructors and students opportunities to collaborate online, including: broadcasting of voice, presentation (PowerPoint) sharing, whiteboard, screen and web sharing, file sharing, and polling.
This helpsheet will outline the steps needed to setup a new [Online Room]. For help in determining the best way to use Online Rooms in your course, please contact the Learning Technology Center at We have many years of experience working with instructors and using virtual meeting rooms in our own courses. We can help you setup Online Rooms effectively to meet your teaching goals.
1. Once you are in D2L, click on the [Instructor] tab. Select your D2L course site.
2. Once in your D2L course site, click on [Online Rooms].
3. To create a new online tutoring room, click [New Room].
4. [Name] the Online Room.
5. Set a [Start Date]. This may be [Now].
6. Set an [End Date]. Depending on the purpose of the room, this could be a short term or it could be set to allow access for the entire semester. (Again, please contact the Learning Technology Center ( for help setting up Online Rooms to meet your needs).
7. Click the [Show Advanced Properties] link.
Set Advanced Properties: Each one of these settings is useful in unique pedagogical situations. The Learning Technology Center ( can help you make decisions which will best meet your needs.
To setup Online Rooms for student group projects:
To setup Online Rooms for exam reviews:
8. Select the [Attendees] tab.
9. Click the [Add Internal Attendees] button.
10. Click the top check box to select all users in the D2L course site.
11. Click the [Add] button.
12. On the [Confirmation] window, select the [Add] button].
13. To enter your online room, return to the [List Rooms] area and click the blue link.
14. When entering your online room, you will be prompted to open a "meeting.jnpl" file. Depending on the browser you are using, ensure that [Open with] is selected and click [OK].
15. Blackboard Collaborate will begin to open and will appear in a new window.
16. Once Blackboard Collaborate opens you may get a message [You have been granted moderator privileges]. Click [OK] to begin working inside Blackboard Collaborate.