We've MOVED!
The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.
Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org
Curving Grades in D2L
You can really only apply grading curves to specific grade items, including the Final Grade, in D2L by creating a new "Grade Scheme." You can use the Grade Scheme to specify letter grades and their grade ranges. To access Grade Schemes, click Grades Schemes, located on the left side of your screen under the Grades Area menu.
Step 1: Create a New Grade Scheme
1) First, in Grade Schemes, click "New."
2) Then, enter a name for the scheme.
3) Next, choose a symbol type (e.g. A, B, C, etc.) and the corresponding grade range with the lowest value possible in the Start % column and the highest value possible in the Assigned Value % column.
4) Click Save to save your changes.
5) Once your grade scheme has been completed, you need to change the grade item's Grade Scheme in the Edit Grade Item screen or the Edit Calculated/Adjusted Final Grade screen.
Step 2: Curving a Grade Item or the Final Grade
Once you have created your Grade Scheme, follow the instructions below to apply it to selected grade items:
1) From the Manage Grades screen, click the title of the grade item you would like to edit.
2) Using the Grade Scheme drop down menu, select the Grade Scheme you created.
3) Click Save to save your changes.