We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Uploading zipped files to D2L’s Manage Files area

1. From the [Content] area, click on [Manage Files].

1 manage files.png

2. Click the [New Folder] icon in the navigation bar at the top of the page.

2 new folder.png

3. A dialog box will pop up in which you type the folder name. Enter the [Name] of the new folder and click [Save].

3 folder name.png

4. The new folder will now appear in the list. Click on the name of the new folder to enter/open the folder.

4 new folder2.png

5. Click the [Upload] button in the navigation bar at the top of the page.

5 upload.png

6. A dialog box will pop up, click [Browse].

6 upload2.png

7. Navigate to the location on your computer where you have stored the zip file. Click on the file and click the [Open] button.

7 file upload windows dialog box.png

8. Click [Upload] once you return to the dialog box.

8 upload4.png

9. Click the drop arrow beside the zipped file.

9 unzip.png

10. Select [Unzip] from the drop down menu.

10 unzip2.png

11. Click [Yes] in the confirmation message.

10B unzip3.png

12. The files will be uncompressed into the current folder. Identify the file that you would like to link to the “Content” area. If you have uploaded a Flash-based presentation, you will probably link the “index.html” file. Once you have identified the correct file to link, click the drop arrow beside the file and select [Add Content Topic].

12 add content.png

13. Click the drop arrow and select a [Parent Module] in which you’d like to put the file link. Or select [add module] to create a new module.

13 add module.png

14. Enter a [Topic Title] for the linked file and click [Add].

14 name topic.png

Finally, return to the [Content] area and click on the Topic to ensure that the file has been linked properly.