1. From the Course Home page, click on [Quizzes] in the navigation bar.
2. From the Quiz List, click the [Grade Quiz] icon (which looks like a yellow ruler with a green checkmark).
3. In the dropdown menu beside "Restrict to:" choose [Users with attempts in progress].
4. Click [Search].
5. Find the appropriate student in the list. Click "attempt 1" or the attempt that is in progress.
6. On the next page you will see information about when the student entered the quiz, and how they answered each question.
7. Click [Quizzes Event Log] to see more details about how the student moved through the quiz, including entry and re-entry, and saving individual answers or entire pages of the quiz.
8. When you have gathered the desired information about the quiz in progress, you may choose to submit it on the student's behalf. Here's how: http://d2ltipsandtricks.blogspot.com/2010/03/submit-quiz-attempt-in-progress.html
9. Return to the [Grade Quiz] page and in the dropdown menu beside "Restrict to:" choose [All users].
10. Click [Search]. All submitted attempts will be listed.