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The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

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Add or change permissions for sharing group in ePortfolio

Add or change permissions for a sharing group

  1. Select the sharing group you want to manage by clicking its name.
  2. Click Add Users to add new users to the sharing group.
    1. Browse for the users you want to add. Use the Search For field to narrow your browsing results. Users with cascading roles must perform a search to display results.
    2. Click on users or groups of users in the browse listing to add them to the Selected Users list. Click the Remove icon beside users or groups of users in the Selected Users list to remove them from the list.
    3. Select the permissions you want the selected users to have.
    4. Click Add.
  3. Click the Edit Spring 2009 Collection Edit icon for the user or group of users for which you want to edit permissions. Select new permissions and click the Save link.
  4. Click the Remove icon to remove a user or group and their permissions from the sharing group.
  5. Click Done.