Sharing items with internal users
You can share items with other users at your organization by selecting individual users, all users in a course or group you are enrolled in, or a previously saved sharing group.
For information on saving permission settings using a sharing group, see the Setting up sharing groupstopic.
Assign permissions for a user or group of users
- Click
Share from the context menu of the item you want to make available to others.
- Select when you want users to be able to see the item in the Visibility section of the Sharing Setting dialog.
- Click Add Users and Groups.
- Browse for the users or sharing groups you want to add. Use the Search For field to narrow your browsing results. Users with cascading roles must perform a search to display results.
- Click on users or sharing groups in the browse listing to add them to the Selected Users list. Click the
Remove icon beside those users or sharing groups you want to remove from the Selected Users list.
- Select the permissions you want the selected users to have and click Add.
- Click Done or Done and Send Invite. You can send an invite to specific users in the Sharing List by selecting the check boxes beside their names before you click Done and Send Invite.