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The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Using Rubrics with Discussion Posts

If you insert a rubric in the Discussions area under "assessment", it is not linked to Grades and your students will not see the rubric. If you use a rubric to grade discussions, you will want to consider adding "Rubrics" to your navigation bar, so that students can first see an empty rubric, and then place the rubric in your linked grade item in the gradebook.

To link a rubric to the discussion grade item, you need to first make sure that your discussion post is tied in with your grade book.

1) Click on the pencil (edit topic) next to which ever discussion forum that you want to tie in with a grade item.
2) Click on the "assessment" tab.
3) Either choose a grade item or create a new grade item

Then, to have the rubric tied in with the grade item

1) Go into your gradebook
2) Click on "Manage Grades"
3) Click on the grade item for your discussion post
4) Under grading, click on the button that says "Add Rubric"

5) Click Save

Now, when you go back to enter grades, and click on a grade item, you will see an assessment icon next to comments.

You can fill out the rubrics and students will be able to view it next to their grades when they go into their gradebook