We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Printing out Discussion Group Lists

Aside from copying and pasting from that screen to a word document, D2L doesn't offer a way to actually export group lists into any particular file type. However, you can save the group list as a PDF file which will allow you to keep a record of just the group list.

(1) Rather than go into "Groups," go into "Classlist."

(2) Once you are in "Classlist," where it says "view by," change it from "users" to "groups."

(3) You can then go through all of the groups and then click on "print tab" and it will print the group list rather than the entire class list.

(4) You should have the option to "print" the list as a PDF file. This way you can keep a copy on your computer as well as printing one off in hardcopy.