We've MOVED!

The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee has moved to D2L version 10.

Updated help files are located at uwmltc.org


Enroll multiple users from Classlist

Instructors now have the ability to enroll multiple users at one time in their own course site, from the Classlist.
  • The individuals to be enrolled *must* already have a username in the D2L database.  
  • Usernames and Role Names *must* be spelled exactly as they appear in the D2L database for this operation to work properly.

1.  Prepare a text (*.txt) or comma-separated value (*.csv) file listing the D2L username of individuals to be enrolled in the course site, and the D2L Role they are to be assigned.

2.  From the Course Home page, click [Classlist] in the navigation bar

3.  Click [Add Participants]

4.  Click [Import users from a file on your computer]

5.  Click [Choose File] and select the text (*.txt) or comma-separated value (*.csv) file from your computer to be imported.

6.  Click [Import]