There are a number of ways an instructor can create a personal “archive,” to be retained outside of D2L.
How to export a course site for later use in D2L
- Preserves the Content page, course files, News (Announcements), Quizzes and Question Library, Grade book, Discussion Forums and Topics, and Dropbox folders
- Creates a .zip file that the instructor can import into another D2L course site at a later date
- Does not include student grades and contributions
- .zip file could be imported into any IMSCP-compliant learning management system
How to download and save student grades and contributions
- Each area containing student grades and contributions must be individually downloaded
- Gradebook
- Dropbox Submissions
- Quiz Statistics
- Quiz Reports
- Discussion Posts
Important note: The UWM Records Officer, Brad Houston, states "Student work as described here is a public record under the UW-System general record schedule for academic records ACAD024, which gives a retention time of six months after the end of the semester (see here: ... Per the regulations set down by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), students may access their own records [not just those in D2L], so long as they are retained by the university. Once the retention period has passed, the records may be destroyed and instructors / departments are under no obligation to produce them. However, if records are retained beyond the 6 month period, they may still be requested and should be produced."
How to download and save course files only
- Preserves the files located in D2L "Manage Files" area
How to copy components from an old course site to a more recent D2L course site
- Preserves the Content page, course files, News (Announcements), Quizzes and Question Library, Grade book, Discussion Forums and Topics, and Dropbox folders
- Copies directly from one D2L course site to another
- Does not include student grades and contributions